Service Information

Business Equipment


Copier / MFP Service :                                                  

Address :              438B Alexandra Road                                                   
                              #06-02 Alexandra Technopark                                
                              Singapore 119968


Opening Hours :  Monday to Friday - 8.45am to 5.15pm
Closed :                Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday


Contact Hotline: Sales Hotline - 6419 3388
                              Copier Service - 6419 3391
                              Consumables Order - 6419 3539 / 6419 3373
                              Fax - 6270 5302
                              Enquiry Email -


Sharp / NEC Large Format Display, Monitor, Interactive Whiteboard & Projector Service:

Address :              5 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2A
                              #06-09 AMK Tech ll
                              Singapore 567760


Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 8.45am to 5.15pm
Closed :               Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday


Contact Hotline: Service Hotline - 6419 3333
                              Service Email -


Consumer Electronics Product


General Service Hotline : 64195222
Service Enquiry : 92768890 
(WhatsApp number)  
Spare parts/Accessories : 98635933
(WhatsApp number)  

Sales and Service Email


Sales & Service Enquiries :

Service Centre (Carry-In / Accessories Self Collection)


Sharp Singapore   (Mobile, Air Purifier, Electric Oven & Small Appliances)                            

Address :              438B Alexandra Road                                                   
                              #06-02 Alexandra Technopark                                
                              Singapore 119968


Opening Hours :  Monday to Friday - 9.00am to 5.00pm
Lunch Time :        11.30 am to 1.30 pm
Closed :                Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday


TNG Alliance Pte Ltd   (Microwave Oven)                            

3015A Ubi Road 1                                                
#03-08 Mapletree Industrial Building                                             
Singapore 408705                                                             
Opening Hours :    9.00am to 5.00pm (Monday - Friday)
                                 9am to 12.30pm (Saturday) 

Closed :                   Sunday and Public Holiday